David Webb
David Webb
Vice President: Copper Custom
David has worked in the home-building industry since 2001, focusing on custom residential construction. As VP of the Copper Custom Division, David builds custom homes for our clients on their own land. He enjoys the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction he gets from providing the high level of customer service and communication that Copper Builders’ clients expect. David is passionate about incorporating the latest home products and technology into every home. Energetic and organized, he loves nothing more than scratching things off his to-do list. He believes that loyalty, integrity and honesty lead to strong relationships, resulting in successful, enjoyable projects.

Designing, planning and building a custom home can be an overwhelming project for most people, especially if you only do it a handful of times in your lifetime. What I enjoy is simplifying this process, keeping it organized, exciting and fun.
-David Webb, VP Copper Custom

A Family Man and Outdoorsman
While he enjoys organizing and managing complexity in his professional life, David strives for simplicity in his personal life. He puts family first and loves teaching his three wonderful children faith,morals and manners while exposing them to as many fun and engaging adventures as possible. He’s an outdoor enthusiast and loves to be outside hiking, camping, boating, fishing. . . any activity that includes fresh air and wide-open spaces.