
Ask Copper Builders

Kaitlyn Poole

Kaitlyn Poole

Executive Assistant

Kaitlyn is a go-getter who’s constantly striving to make herself and the Copper team more organized, efficient and well-equipped to meet our clients’ needs. She is detail-oriented and persistently patient. Her job includes helping with planning and growth, handling administrative tasks for the Executive team, and jumping in wherever help is needed. Kaitlyn has nearly 10 years of experience in accounting and is passionate about real estate. You may find her coordinating meetings, explaining processes and steps, or just chatting with a client over a cup of coffee. Her daily goal is to make things easier for everyone involved – our team, our vendors, and most importantly, our clients. 

Kaitlyn video thumbnail

I’m a perfectionist by nature. I prefer schedules, deadlines and goals. Although there’s inevitably curveballs thrown our way, home building requires those very same aspects for success. I’m also a people person, and what better way to engage people than help bring their dream to life?

-Kaitlyn Poole, Executive Assistant

Kaitlyn Poole

Florida-born and North Carolina raised, Kaitlyn now lives in Belmont with her husband. When she’s not working, you’ll find her watching college football or traveling – anywhere with a coastline.

If she's not in the office,
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